Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Digital Communication

Clash Of Clans

  1. Over view of the game
    Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game in which players build a community, train troops, and attack other players to earn gold and elixir, and Dark Elixir, which can be used to build defenses that protect the player from other players' attacks, and to train and upgrade troops. The game also features a pseudo-single player campaign in which the player must attack a series of fortified goblin villages.
    The Logistics

    The Strategies
    There are various strategies in Clash of Clans which include the following:
    Beginning from the Beginning
    When you first start on Clash of Clans, you are given a tutorial. Note that you don't have to spend the gems it recommends and you do not need an army of wizards to take out the goblins.
    Your First Raid
    Attacking involves three fundamental parts covered in depth here; they will be explored later in terms of applying them at higher levels.
    Part 1 - Army composition
    Before you begin your battle, it is a good idea to train troops in your barracks. By the time you have finished raiding, they will be done.
    Part 2 - Picking the perfect base
    Look for badly deployed or nonexistent walls with an exposed Town Hall and weak defenses. At an early level, also try finding bases with open, exposed mortars that you can easily wipe.
    Part 3 - Strategy
    Strategy is a pretty endless subject - there are countless variations on attack techniques. However, there is one beginner strategy that always works.
    Defensive Strategies
    Part 1 - Defensive Units
    Once you get your first few defense results, see if you won or lost. If you lost, consider trying a different layout. If you won, you are ready to rock the leader-boards.
    Part 2 - Hit-pointsAs higher level players may have noticed, upgrading your buildings will increase the number of times a building can be hit before it's destroyed.
    Part 3 - Clan Castle  Troops
    If you are in a clan, the rest of your clan can donate troops to you. These troops will defend your base if you are attacked.
    Base Design
    Are you farming or hunting trophies?
    Wall Positioning - Your Walls should be positioned properly to avoid archers shooting over it, and wall breakers will have to be deployed in 2 waves.
    Pick and choose your targets. You're farming, not trophy hunting. You're looking for targets with lots of available resources and defenses weak against your army.
    Trophy HuntingPick and choose your targets. You're trophy hunting, not farming. You're looking for targets with exposed Town Halls that you can easily pick off with a few archers.
    Balancing your Base
    You should always try to max out everything for your town hall level so that you get the best advantage when you upgrade the town hall.
    An all out goblin raid.
  2. The collaborative process within the clan you joined
    The clan i joined is a steady decent clan where they wage wars weekly on Mondays. The clan's name is the  Hybrid clan that requires 1100 trophies. Patience is a key in this game since waiting for building to be built, warriors to train and buildings to be upgraded will take your time. Learn how to be patient and save your gems by not spending it to fast forward time.
  3. Communication used and examples of inappropriate communication as well as inappropriate behaviour.
    You can report foul language in the Global chat and get people temporarily booted from the servers, but there's no reporting function when chatting within your own clan. This makes the clan your child is in the real deciding factor in whether or not they should be playing the game. Fortunately, lots of clans have filled this need and you'll find plenty of "clean" clans full of fathers and sons, clans which advertise "No cursing allowed" (and offenders are quickly given the boot), clans of school chums, etc... If your kid joins up with a clan of college-age gamers, though, look out! Keep an eye on the chat thread in your child's clan (there's a buffer of the last 100 messages) until you're satisfied the members don't curse like sailors, and this game will provide many hours of enjoyment for you both.
  4. The issue of how, if at all, this game could be used to educate the younger generation about digital citizenship.
    The young generation can learn to strategize and learn from their mistakes. Defeating enemies is not simply a matter of having the most troops. They must be deployed smartly, or you will lose. Similarly, watching footage of enemies storming your village can instruct players on how to deploy resources to win battles. It's similar to a football player watching game film to better his performance. Clash of Clans doesn't offer a deep learning experience, but players will be able to practice strategy and reflect on their decisions.

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